
Showing posts from 2022

Migrate Skype for Business on-premises to Microsoft Team (TeamsOnly) DNS Implication

Microsoft has changed the possibility for Skype for Business On-Premises users to Microsoft Teams. Skype for Business Online was retired since July. Therefore, the only possible hybrid setup is for Teams, the TeamsOnly mode. Modi other than TeamsOnly can only be used under the following conditions: - New Subscription/ Tenant: if a SfB on-premises DNS is detected ( LyncDiscover ), pointing to an On-Premises installation (any other setting than M365 )  The tenant is automatically created in ISLAND mode! - Existing Tenant: if LyncDiscover is found and the DNS record in NOT pointing to M365, a TeamsOnly mode is removed and revert to ISLAND mode. This is valid for at least one of all DNS verified domains and the  TeamsUpgradeOverridePolicy/  TeamsUpgradePolicy apply. Configure hybrid connectivity - Skype for Business Hybrid | Microsoft Learn Tools for upgrading to Teams from a Skype for Business on-premises deployment - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn...

Auto Attendant and Call Queues Hybrid Setup with On-Premise breakout

Cool and that is expected just like on-premises SfB OrgAA/Call Queues. More Details The Hybrid capability for OrgAA/CQ requires that a disabled AAD object is created for all AA/CQ’s. Once the objects are created they will be available in the Skype for Business Address Book under the display name. If the Tenant AAD is federated with on-premises AD, this requires creating the object on-premises, otherwise it requires creating online which just entails opening AA/CQ in Edit mode and Saving. Note : If any object shows out of sync for status, this must be remediated for successful call routing when calling via sip. To confirm the AAD objects, you can run the following: Auto Attendants: Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {OwnerUrn -eq 'urn:trustedonlineplatformapplication:ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07'} | ft SipAddress,DisplayName,ContactOptionFlags,HideFromAddressLists Call Queues: Get-CsOnlineUser -Filter {OwnerUrn -eq 'urn:trustedonlineplatformappli...

Schedule Chat Messages in Teams

 This is a cool new feature. You are now able, scheduling chat messages to a certain point in time. Simple right-click the SEND BUTTON in chat window and schedule your message. Set the date and time , when the chat message should be send and click the " Send at scheduled time " button.

vBlog Mode in Microsoft Teams

 Making your presentations more engaged, use the new Presenter Modes in Teams. You can overlay your presentation with your camera video stream and chose how you want to position yourself overlaying the screen. 1. normal screen sharing 2. lower right corner (Standout presenter mode) 3. mid screen right side (Side-by-side presenter mode) 4. lower right corner, lager video feed (reporter presenter mode) (Standout presenter mode) (Side-by-side presenter mode) (reporter presenter mode)