Ferrari Electronic Media Gateway Configuration

Ferrari Electronic:
How did we setup a proper Media Gateway from Ferrari Electronic?
Ferrari offers a range of genius Mediation Server Components, from simple PRI Boards up to 960 Channel ready-made Gateways. I show you today how to arrange a simple setup with Office Master Connect Software.

In this example I have choose two different companies, sharing one and the same PRI line, while one of both companies also requires a Ferrari Office Master Fax solution.

The assigned number circuit is: +6038313.0600-0799
Company ONE will use the range: 600-699, while they will use Fax with the extension: 680
Company TWO will use the range: 700-799

In Malaysia ISDN work with a 4-digit number identification for incoming and outgoing call’s. This means we have to have a incoming and outgoing normalization to: 0600 till 0799. Otherwise the call will not be successfully placed.

Let’s start configuring:

Open the Office Master Connect Tool

Chose the Change Settings option and proceed with the configuration.

First we will setup incoming call.

Therefore we need to build the incoming normalization and will add the necessary configuration:

We start with Company ONE, remember, they will use the number range 0600-0699:

Give the Normalization Rule a proper name, e.g. Company ONE (LYNC), we will route the ISDN Call via SIP to the destination, which is and will use in our example an unencrypted SIP connection. The Called Party, which is the number someone dialed to reach the Lync Phone of Company ONE in in the range of 0600-0699. Therefore I have replaced the last 2-digit’s with (..). But our Lync is always configured with proper E.164 phone numbers. I need to make it happen that we send the full E.164 number to LYNC. I need to add +6038313 in front of the incoming 4-digit number.

Now it part for Company TWO:

Give the Normalization Rule a proper name again, e.g. Company TWO (LYNC), we will route the ISDN Call via SIP to the destination, which is and will use in our example an encrypted SIP connection via TLS. The Called Party, which is the number someone dialed to reach the Lync Phone of Company TWO is in the range of 0700-0799. Therefore I have replaced the last 2-digit’s with (..). But our Lync is always configured with proper E.164 phone numbers. I need to make it happen that we send the full E.164 number to LYNC. I need to add +6038313 in front of the incoming 4-digit number.

But what’s about incoming FAX? This was part of Company ONE and should have an extension 0680, right.

So it is straight forward, just this time, the destination is OfficeMaster with the IP address: Office Master will receive the FAX via SIP unencrypted.

Ready for all incoming calls. That easy, isn’t it?

Lets test the setup and see if it works. Remember the called party number is a 4-digit number, so I have to make the right identification in our test rules.

I will check the incoming FAX first:

Now second company, e.g. someone calls the 0780 extension:

At last, I also need to check if I can reach the company ONE, let test this with the main line, say 0600.

Outgoing calls:

As I wrote, the outgoing calls will be made also with 4 –digit only. So I would need to truncate everything with is not understandable for the Malaysian ISDN system. This is because Malaysia will us the Calling Party ID for the identification configured on their line. So now I normalize every call without the +6038131… also straight forward.

Generally I will show you now an outgoing call to another country.
This is a WireShark Log, in some other post’s I will explain the ISDN protocol in detail. But you will see here that it works and the call was placed.


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