Microsoft M365 Cross Tenant Migration free eBook

 In this cross-tenant/ tenant-2-tenant migration book, I guide you through the holistic approach, which in deep exercise of Team Voice.

I’m working as an Enterprise Solution Architect for Cross-Tenant migration, leading teams with more than 40 persons involved.

Technically there are many more aspects, like 3rd party tools vs. Microsoft own solutions and scripts to be written. This book provides you an inside but not providing scripts and detailed configuration. Scripts and configurations are very much an individual approach for each cross-tenant migration.

Two very special chapters will be released in 2023, handling and working with Guest User Access and Change & Adoption approach. Both are not only technically important but require a deeper look into their dependencies.

Working on an end-2-end overview, technical considerations and understandable working template, this Migration book, it was work consolidated during the last 1 ½ years.



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