Skype for Business Command Output shown as cropped List : Get-CsSimpleURLConfiguration

If a Skype for Business Get-Cs command provides an output as list, which is longer, it will provide a cropped output only.

The solution towards is, you need writing the output into a variable and screen print it into the command shell.


Identity  : Global
SimpleUrl : {Component=Dialin;Domain=*;ActiveUrl=
            dialin, Component=Meet;;ActiveUrl=https://l
  , Component=Meet;Domain=
            .com/meet, Component=Meet;;ActiveUrl=https

Getting the entire output you need the shell providing the output in a variable


This should output something like this:
PS > $A=Get-CsSimpleUrlConfiguration
PS > $a.SimpleUrl

SimpleUrlEntry : {Url=}
Component : Dialin
Domain : *
ActiveUrl :

SimpleUrlEntry : {Url=}
Component : Meet
Domain : *
ActiveUrl :

If you wish writing the output into a txt file, simple use:
PS > $a.SimpleUrl > C:\output.txt

Just making the article complete, a new Simple URL will be added in a similar way:

$urlEntry = New-CsSimpleUrlEntry -Url “”

$simpleUrl = New-CsSimpleUrl -Component “WebScheduler” -Domain “*” -SimpleUrlEntry $urlEntry -ActiveUrl “”

Set-CsSimpleUrlConfiguration -SimpleUrl @{Add=$simpleUrl} -Verbose

Added Note:
Thanks to my MVP mate Greig Sheridan, he figured out a more simple way of showing an entire list element.


This enables PowerShell showing unlimited elements in a list. as per default this variable is set to 3. Changing it too -1 removes the limitation and provides a full inside view of the list element.


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