Skype for Business Client Update Februar + March 2016

Let me give you an overview about the changes applied with the SfB Client Update from February and planned for CU for March:

  • Auto-accept presented content
  • Single click Desktop Sharing (single Monitor)
  • Meeting join with / without mic or speaker
  • better sharing real estate
  • Notify other when everyone can see presented content
  • fast switching to newly connected devices without call on hold
  • additional connected monitor: prompt fir sharing
  • auto hide sharing tool bar
  • smart Team Contacts
  • Meeting Reminder

A new video technology/ codec for P2P screen sharing is implemented:
The P2P sharing is changed from RDP to High Fidelity Video-Based Screen Sharing (VBSS)
With the targeted update for March, it should be implemented for Meeting too.
Requirement ist the Office 2016 client. NOT the Office 2013 updated client Version (15).

Fast and more efficient:
15 FPS with VBSS instead of 8 FPS with RDP



Therefor it becomes als more reliable


More news are:
Co-Author OneDrive Office Document.
You can now collaborate on Office document with OneDrive in a meeting. The Access is granted automatically to the office document (OD4B). you will see the editor who wrote to the document. It is a concurrent editing possible.

Most important request are implemented:
Offline Messaging
  • Send messages to contact even if they are not signed-in
  • Read missed messages in email of in Skype for Business
  • Use unread count badges to navigate through missed messages
  • Read on any device with SfB/Lync that supports missed messages

Some more info's were:
The SfB Client for MAC is coming soon to a preview.
And yes, it is true, try to discover how you can utilize Office 2016 Click2Run in your enterprise.
Several new feature are only available with the C2R version and will not be implemented in the MSI package.


  1. Hello, will this update is available for non Office365 and when?

    1. Well, it will be available for On-Premise. Here certain features will be in CU2 for Skype for Business Server 2015, but I can't officially announce the release date. Only it isn't far anymore

    2. Can you perhaps tell us if a particular version of Exchange will be required?

    3. Hi Miha,

      sure, I'm not really understand wich functionality you refer too. Generally all in-support versions can work together with SfB, including the Office 365 SfB and well Exchange Online. Some feature are only available in Exchange 2016/2013. Generally the best user experience started with Exchange 2013. so simply said even if e.g. Voice Mail is supported with Ex2010, see the Product Live Cycle for Exchange. so well, please go Exchange 2016/2013 or Exchange Online you are on the save site

    4. Hi, I meant regarding Offline Chat, will Exhange version play any role in this? As it does for conversation history across devices.


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