
Showing posts from December, 2013

"[File Name].pptx can't be converted for presentation because PowerPoint is not installed. Please install PowerPoint and try again."

With Lync 2010 and Lync 2013, some user run into an issue while they try to share a powerpoint presentation: This is regardless if a Office Web App server is installed or not (as Lync 2010 do not support OWA) The problem is mainly a client issue and should be seach for any server issues. That why in troubleshooting, it is necessary that you identifiy if you have general or partelly issues. You will receive the following error on a client: Solution: To fix the problem you will need to edit the [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{91493440-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}\2.b\0\Win32] @="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office 15\\Root\\Office15\\MSPPT.OLB" and point it to the Office 14/15 directory in regedit.  The easiest way to do it would be to copy the registry entry for the TypeLib 2.a entry and paste it over the 2.b entry. Author: Thomas Pött Managing Consultant Microsoft UC

Dialplan normalization with extension number if user do not have a DDI

If we only have internal extensions and the URI will look like this: +4989123400;ext123 we have several point we need taking care about: - incoming calls shall be addressed via Exchange Auto Attendant - internal call now need to be normalized including the users extension - in some circumstances, we have assigned multiple DID number including the head number. if so we need the incoming normalization, analog to the internal calling normalization Confused finally? Don't worry, it really looks simple: Say our Head Number is: +4989123400 and we have extension from ;ext=01 until ext=99, the normalization rule will look like: If the Exchange Auto Attendant has also an extension, we need to have an incoming normalization rule on the trunk or gateway: Exchange AA: +4989123400;ext=99 Pattern to match: ^(\+4989123400)$ Translation rule: $1;ext=99 the internal assigned phone number has the said range (01-98), so a users phone number looks like: a) tel:54;phone-context=Si...

Lync 2013 Web Scheduler (How to setup guide)

The Lync 2013 Web Scheduler was made for User who need to setup a Web Meeting without having Outlook available. It is a very convenient method and easy to understand. In our Demo Lab, I have documented all necessary steps: So let’s add a new Simple URL.  We have three simple commands: $urlEntry = New-CsSimpleUrlEntry -Url “ ” $simpleUrl = New-CsSimpleUrl -Component “WebScheduler” -Domain “*” -SimpleUrlEntry $urlEntry -ActiveUrl “ ” Set-CsSimpleUrlConfiguration -Identity Global -SimpleUrl @{Add=$simpleUrl} -Verbose  First, we check the Simple URL Configuration and ensure all Topology settings were correctly made. Than you have to use the script exactly as provided:   You do not need to run Enable-CsComputer, since this will not update the IIS URL Redirect , this will be one of our last steps, where we are running the Bootstrapper and let this changes be happen   DNS Config...